Salaris Hillary and Bill Clinton

Geboren: Zij 1947, hij 1946
  • Jaar: € 9.949.109,00
  • Maand: € 829.092,42
  • Week: € 191.329,02
  • Dag: € 38.265,80
Hillary and Bill Clinton

Sinds het openen van deze pagina heeft Hillary and Bill Clinton het volgende verdiend:

Deze samenvatting is afkomstig van Wikipedia

William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton is een Amerikaans politicus van de Democratische Partij. Hij was de 42e president van de Verenigde Staten van 1993 tot 2001.

Wikipedia-pagina over Bill Clinton

WSJ August 2016: Their tax return showed that the Clintons made $10.6 million in adjusted gross income last year, largely from speaking fees, books, and Mr. Clinton’s consulting activities. The Clintons paid an effective federal income-tax rate of 34% in 2015, $3.24 million. The Clintons gave more than $1 million, or nearly 10% of their adjusted gross income, to charity.
WSJ July 2015: The Clintons’ 2014 return showed they earned about $28 million and paid tax of almost $10 million that year. Gifts to charity totaled about $3 million, almost all of it to the Clinton Family Foundation. Mrs. Clinton reported gross speaking fees of about $10.5 million before expenses, and gross earnings as an author of about $5.6 million. The former president reported about $9.7 million in gross speaking fees and about $6.4 million in gross consulting fees


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Update: 2016-8


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