Salaris Safra Catz

CEO, Voorzitter raad van bestuur grote onderneming - Oracle Corporation - Verenigde Staten
Geboren: 1961, Holon , Israele
  • Jaar: € 71.010.649,00
  • Maand: € 5.917.554,08
  • Week: € 1.365.589,40
  • Dag: € 273.117,88
Safra Catz

Sinds het openen van deze pagina heeft Safra Catz het volgende verdiend:

Deze samenvatting is afkomstig van Wikipedia

Oracle Corporation is een Amerikaans softwarebedrijf genoteerd aan de New York Stock Exchange. Oprichter Larry Ellison is voorzitter van het bedrijf. Het hoofdkantoor is gevestigd in Austin (Texas).

Wikipedia-pagina over Oracle Corporation

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $1.8 B ($76 M rise compared to last year) July 2023: annual salary $138M
Forbes Apr 2023: $ 1.5 B Net Worth (no rise compared to 2022)
Bloomberg Aug 2021:$ 950,000
Business Insider Aug. 2020: Oracle CEO Safra Catz's compensation was about $964000 in its last fiscal year which ended May 31. Catz did not get extra compensation, including a bonus. Sept 2019: Catz has a salary of $950,000. 2018: As Chief Executive Officer at ORACLE CORP, Safra A. Catz made $108,282,333 in total compensation. Of this total $950,000 was received as a salary, $3,612,553 was received as a bonus, $103,700,000 was received in stock options, $0 was awarded as stock and $19,780 came from other types of compensation.
Business Insider: Catz received a $40.7 million salary in 2017, making her one of the highest-paid female executives.


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Update: 2023-4


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